Day #2 to Becoming a Wealthy Marketer

Develop & Monetize Your Skill Set

I hope that by now you have taken the initiative to adopt a Growth Mindset, committed to reading a selection of non-fiction books, and started the process of journaling your gratitude, goals, and action items into a notebook.

If you’re still looking for a journal to write in while following the daily and weekly exercise, you can order your 12 Week Planner at my online store.

So here we are at DAY 2 – today we are going to figure out the mix of skills that best suit your interests and strengths. There is so much you can do as a digital marketer.

Let’s consider the most in-demand options:

  • Paid Campaign Management (Google, Facebook, LinkedIn Ads)
  • Social Media Management
  • Digital Media Design 
  • Content Marketing
  • Video Production
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Blogging
  • Email Marketing & Marketing Automation
  • Website Design & Development
  • eCommerce

Which of these categories interests you most? Which of these categories do you think you are capable of mastering? 

Pick 1 to 3 of these skills and start reading up on them, take popular online tutorials in relation to them, and most importantly start doing practicing them.

Remember, it’s important to be self aware. Don’t try to be something you are not just because you see other people finding success with it. Instead, focus on something that interests you and take action on it.

For example, there was a long period of time when I tried to force myself to learn how to code and become a full-stack web developer. 

But at the end of the day, my brain does not work in the way it needs to in order to be a full-stack developer. It works better as a full-stack digital marketer and entrepreneur, and that is precisely where I found my long-term success.

So if you love video and you are good with a camera at a technical level, focus on video production. 

If you are a math, logic, and code geek – then become a full-stack developer. 

If you love social media, then consider social media design and content creation at an ELITE level. 

If you are intrigued by the power of advertising on the major platforms like Google, Facebook, and Linkedin – then there is a place for you as a campaign manager.

If you love the idea of selling products online – then become an eCommerce marketing pro or niche eCommerce store entrepreneur!

Do you get what I am saying here?

Ask yourself these questions: what do I like across the digital marketing landscape? What do I believe my strengths align with best? 

Drill down on a combination of the answers to the two questions above, and develop 1 to 3 skills that you can bring to the market and monetize through a meaningful 9-5 career, a side hustle, or a full fledged business!

To summarize:

Consider the most in-demand digital marketing skills on the market today.

What 1, 2, or 3 of those skills align with your interests AND strengths?

Drill down on those skills – start learning and developing them.

Take action and do the work – ultimately pushing yourself towards a relevant 9-5 career move, side hustle, and/or full-fledged business while mastering the digital marketing disciplines that are best suited for YOU.

So with a Growth Mindset combined with mastering 1 to 3 in-demand Digital Marketing Skills that are relevant to your interests and strengths, you will be well on your way to becoming a “Wealthy Marketer” that makes a meaningful living through Digital Marketing!

To our success,

The Wealthy Marketer

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